&hint1=I did not reach my destination until 1836& &hint2=I am an obelisk& &hint3=I was first erected by Thutmosis III& &hint4=I am in Paris, France& &choices=Egyptian Obelisk, Place de la Concorde;Cleopatra's Needle, Central Park;'Ahu 'ula (known as the Kearney cloak);The citadel and palace complex of Sargon II;Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre;Cleopatra's Needle, Thames Embankment, London& &answer=Egyptian Obelisk, Place de la Concorde& &search=Egyptian Obelisk Paris& &title=Egyptian Obelisk, Place de la Concorde& &artist=& &medium=Red granite& &date=First erected by Thutmosis III, r.1483-1425 BCE& &location=Paris, France& &dimensions=height 74'&